Physical Therapy and Fitness Provider in Davis, CA
Osteoporosis Class
Strong Bones & Balance
11:45-12:15 pm
Instructor: Kate Silva, DPT
30 minute weekly class focused on giving you better bones and balance! Class is formatted for those that have or at risk for osteoporosis. Exercises will focus on improving strength, bone density, posture and balance via scalable weight bearing exercises including impact loading and resistance training.
How do I sign up?
Classes are offered in 6-week sessions. Please sign up at the front desk of Physical Edge. For more information, please call Physical Edge (530) 753-9011
Osteoporosis Presentation at Physical Edge by Kate Silva, DPT:
Osteoporosis Class
11:45-12:15 pm
Instructor: Kate Silva, DPT
30 minute weekly class focused on giving you better bones and balance! Class is formatted for those that have or at risk for osteoporosis. Exercises will focus on improving strength, bone density, posture and balance via scalable weight bearing exercises including impact loading and resistance training.
How do I sign up?
Classes are offered in 6-week sessions. Please sign up at the front desk of Physical Edge. For more information, please call Physical Edge (530) 753-9011
Osteoporosis Presentation at Physical Edge by Kate Silva, DPT: