Physical Therapy and Fitness Provider in Davis, CA
Stretch Sessions
Stretch Sessions at Physical Edge
Booked by Appointment Only
Assisted stretching sessions are one-on-one with our Physical Therapy Assistant (PTA) Mike Kwong. Sessions combine the Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) approach with dynamic and static stretching to increase range of motion and maximize benefits during all sessions.
Benefits include:
Enhanced flexibility and range of motion
Improved muscle recovery
Increased blood flow and circulation
Enhanced athletic performance
Stress reduction and relaxation
Personalized stretching experience
Whether you are recovering from an injury or you are a high performance athlete, the sessions at Physical Edge will be tailored to your needs. Mike will use the Selective Functional Movement Assessment screen to assess your mobility. This screen provides a baseline of how well you move and identifies how your body functions as a whole. By incorporating assisted stretching into your wellness routine, you can leverage the benefits to support your physical and mental well being.
Mike Kwong, PTA, Certified Personal Trainer
Mike graduated from San Francisco State University with a degree in Kinesiology and received his Physical Thereapist Assitant license after completing his studies at Ohlone College. He is also a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist through NSCA. As a PTA, Mike works to support patients of various ages, injuries and illnesses. He finds it rewarding to be part of your physical health journey, whether that is relieving pain, improving everyday movements or increasing performance in a sport you love. His is here to welcome you, teach you and help you reach your goals.
Stretch Sessions
Stretch Sessions at Physical Edge
Booked by Appointment Only
Benefits include:
Whether you are recovering from an injury or you are a high performance athlete, the sessions at Physical Edge will be tailored to your needs. Mike will use the Selective Functional Movement Assessment screen to assess your mobility. This screen provides a baseline of how well you move and identifies how your body functions as a whole. By incorporating assisted stretching into your wellness routine, you can leverage the benefits to support your physical and mental well being.
Mike Kwong, PTA, Certified Personal Trainer
Mike graduated from San Francisco State University with a degree in Kinesiology and received his Physical Thereapist Assitant license after completing his studies at Ohlone College. He is also a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist through NSCA. As a PTA, Mike works to support patients of various ages, injuries and illnesses. He finds it rewarding to be part of your physical health journey, whether that is relieving pain, improving everyday movements or increasing performance in a sport you love. His is here to welcome you, teach you and help you reach your goals.
Fitness Center
Hours of Operation
Monday — Thursday
7:00am – 7:00pm
7:00am – 6:00pm
7:00am – 12:00pm
(Closed on holidays)